Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Gray Army Marches to the Sound of the Guns

King Joe send out the call, and the people of the Gray answer.  The littlest Huns have completed their training, but have received no marching orders as of yet.

The Gray Army in all its thirty-eight stands of glory

Proud generals backed by heavy guns

Lancers ready to lance the Trossian Boil

Heavy Foot to the fore, line infantry brigades to the rear

At 104AP total, the Gray Army has the capability of fielding a massive amount of firepower at any one time.  Whether or not they want to remains to be seen.  Managing the logistics alone would be a nightmare, and might force the GM of this game to break out a larger than normal battlefield.

Remember that these stands limit the numbers of any one TYPE of brigade within a single engagement.  They are not driven by historicity, but by the sheer practicality of things.  The real logistics happen with the real world, and making allowances for such real world nuisances as "limited resources" and "kitchen table space" is one way to enforce some game-scale limitations.  As above, so below, and where an army with nothing but 30 cavalry stands would be impractical in the game, the demands of the real world serve as a more iron-clad check on player silliness than any mere line of text in a musty old ruleset.

In all their historical glory.

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