Sunday, August 30, 2020

Let the Bugles Shout

 Welcome to the Wars of the Trossian Succession.

An informal miniature wargame campaign fought among friends and adjudicated by tabeltop wargames.  You can read through the Rules Page to get an idea of how the strategic game in planned - as with any war, it won't survive first contact with the enemy (i.e. the players).  We will likely change things on the fly, and add more confusion as we go, but they provide a suitable framework upon which to expand.  We may add anything from spies, to rebellions, to hurricanes!

It should be noted that the action most likely won't start for a while - the armies have yet to arrive, let alone receive their baptism by paint.  Be patient.  We'll get there.  In the meantime, we'll assign players, flesh out the continent of Tros, and generally tinker with things until the first charge and volley on the tabletop.

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The spammers are clever, and we aren't going to mess about with them here. Sorry for the trouble, but we need to be careful.